Gravity Waves from Big Bang Foreshadowed in 2013 Physics Book: Time One

Manitoba, Canada – March 17, 2014 - Canadian-Australian physicist Colin Gillespie has published a new and far simpler model of how the Big Bang began. It explains the reason why the Big Bang must leave large gravitational waves, as reported by a team of astronomers.

‘The surprising findings of large gravitational waves are no surprise to readers of Time One: Discover How the Universe Began, Gillespie said today, in a phone call from Kosovo. They will appreciate that its “inflation” begins at 10-44 seconds, so it predicts a large effect of just the kind that’s now reported.’

He said that Time One explains the strange behavior known as “inflation” without any of the arbitrary assumptions and problems that attach to all “inflationary cosmology” models. In particular, it does not need the incredible degree of fine-tuning they require. “Time One assumes the extra six dimensions needed by string-theory math are real and they were there from the beginning,” Gillespie said. “The rest is easy.”

For more background see a recent review by Caltech physicist David Miller at

More information about Big Fizz Inc:

Big Fizz is in the business of proliferation ideas. Printed books and digital media are the ways and means of Big Fizz – not exactly unconventional – but in addition Big Fizz is commissioning artists of all kinds to re-imagine authors’ stories and to tell their own. Big Fizz invites content from readers, as an integral part of the narrative. Big Fizz’s vision is to enliven the everyday dialogue with communities we share. For more information visit:

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For further information, please contact:
Alexandra Rohne, Communications
Tel: 204-942-8007
Twitter: @bigfizzinc

After 35 Million Views Honey Badger’s Randall Stars in New Video

Winnipeg, Canada, November 26, 2013 – In 2011 an American video artist, Christopher Gordon became a YouTube sensation with the creation of The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger video. The viral video generated nearly 35 million views since first being posted. A Canadian publishing company, Big Fizz Inc. has awarded the grand prize of $10,000 to Gordon for his Time One Video Contest entry Honey Badger Narrates: What Existed Before the Big Bang. Gordon’s winning video is available at

“Randall, voice of the honey badger, is just phenomenal,” says international video artist and Time One Video Contest judge Melentie Pandilovski. “Gordon expresses serious scientific ideas in a very humorous and appealing way, whilst keeping in line with the theories expressed in Colin Gillespie's Time One book.”

Sponsored by Big Fizz Inc., the Time One Video Contest encouraged the expression of the ideas in Time One: Discover How the Universe Began by Colin Gillespie. The winner was determined by votes cast online and a panel of international video judges.

The book presents a simple idea on what happened before the Big Bang. It is serious science, written as detective fiction, all in aid of helping people find a better understanding of physics. Using forty-seven classic problems of philosophy and cosmology as clues, the narrator and a couple of detectives lead the reader to a single elegant solution that reveals the very instant time begins and explains how time works. It explains exactly how the universe is constructed.

 “We are all about proliferating bold ideas and supporting the conversations they generate.” explains Big Fizz CEO Howard Gurevich, “The ideas articulated in our books can be conveyed in various art forms. This contest was our second challenge to those interested in the ideas in Time One to make a video. Gordon’s entry shows there are many people who believe in thinking differently.”

Big Fizz Inc’s mission is to take on some of the boldest ideas of all and to ask the oldest and still most fundamental questions: Who are we? How did we get here? Where are we all going? Its vision is to enliven the everyday dialogue with communities it shares. More information about Big Fizz is available at

Alexandra Rohne
Communications Coordinator
Big Fizz Inc.



Publishing Company Celebrates Ideas With $10,000 Video Contest Prize

Winnipeg, Canada, June 11, 2013 — What came before the big bang is still a mystery to many. For entrants in the Time One Video Contest it’s more than a mystery; it’s an idea along with hundreds of others that could be worth $10,000. Sponsored by the independent publishing company Big Fizz Inc., the international Time One Video Contest asks video makers to produce a work that expresses any idea from Time One: Discover How the Universe Began by Colin Gillespie. One grand prizewinner will receive $10,000. Winners will be determined by popular vote and a panel of three international judges.

Time One tackles the question of what happened before the Big Bang. It sets the context for the current deadlock in physics and traces the split between physics and philosophy. The book also solves forty-five of physics’ and philosophy’s most perplexing problems. It is serious science written as detective-fiction.

Entrants will submit a 1 to 5 minute video along with a statement explaining how their video expresses any of the ideas communicated in Time One.”

“We are all about proliferating bold ideas and supporting the conversations they generate.” explains Big Fizz Inc. CEO Howard Gurevich, “This challenge is open to anybody interested in producing a video about of ideas in Time One. The entry may support, disagree with, illustrate or make fun of one or more ideas – we just ask that it not misrepresent the author.”

The Time One Video Contest will run as follows:                                  

June 15, 2013 – Time One Video Contest Submissions Open
September 13, 2013 – Submissions Close
September 14, 2013 – Public Voting Begins
October 25, 2013 – Public Voting Ends
October 26, 2013 – International Judging Panel Review Period Begins
November 9, 2013 – Review Period Ends
November 18, 2013 – International Judging Period Begins
November 22, 2013 – Judging Period Ends
November 26, 2013 – A Winner is Announced

Video artists of all skill levels, anywhere in the world, are encouraged to submit to the Time One Video Contest by logging onto Big Fizz’s Facebook account and uploading their video.

Big Fizz Inc. is an independent publishing company. Its mission is to take on some of the boldest ideas of all and to ask the oldest and still most fundamental questions: Who are we? How did we get here? Where are we all going? The vision is to enliven the everyday dialogue with communities it shares. More information about Big Fizz is at

Time One: Discover How the Universe Began written by Colin Gillespie takes us back to the first instant of time. It is the emergence of the Universe moving one century, one theory, one imaginative leap after another. The answer will come not from atom-splitting physicists but from the deductive musings of a fictional detective. How would Sherlock Holmes proceed? What if science's problems were the clues? So begins the case, traversing three thousand years of philosophy, three hundred years of physics, thirty years of deep-space experiments leading us step by step to an elegant and profoundly simple insight. More information about Time One: Discover How the Universe Began is at


For further information, please contact:

Alexandra Rohne
Communications Coordinator
Big Fizz Inc.
Web: | Tel: (204) 942-8007 | Email: | @bigfizzinc | @timeonethebook
200-62 Albert Street
Winnipeg, MB Canada R3B 1E9

Publishing Company Big Fizz Awards $1,000 for Photographers Idea

Photo contest winner Kimberly Hammiltons Lasting Summer Serenity 

Photo contest winner Kimberly Hammiltons
Lasting Summer Serenity 

Winnipeg, Canada, April 15, 2013 – For photographers in the “Let’s Talk Ideas” photo contest, an idea was worth $1,000 and an art exhibition. Sponsored by the publishing company Big Fizz Inc., the international contest encouraged the expression of sharing ideas through a photograph. One grand prize winner received $1,000 and a featured place in the “Let’s Talk Ideas” exhibit held at Gurevich Fine Art in Winnipeg, Canada. Ten secondary winners received $100 each and a place in the same exhibit. Winners were determined by over 7,900 individual votes cast online.

Big Fizz awarded the grand prize to Kimberly Hamilton of the United States for her photo Lasting Summer Serenity, which made commentary on the state of our natural resources both within the United States and abroad. Other winning ideas included the imaginative nature of children, our perceptions of reality, and the need for equality. The winning photographs are available at

“We are all about proliferating bold ideas and supporting the conversations they generate.” explains Big Fizz CEO Howard Gurevich, “The ideas articulated in our books can be conveyed in various art forms. This contest was our first challenge to anybody interested in ideas to express what they look like in a photograph. The number of entries and engagement with the universal conversation is encouraging and shows there are still people who believe in thinking differently.”

The Big Fizz “Let’s Talk Ideas” photo contest, which closed on March 25th, 2013 drew over 400 entries and 21,700 views to the Big Fizz contest page. The “Let’s Talk Ideas” fine art exhibit will take place at Gurevich Fine Art from August 2nd to 23rd, 2013.

Big Fizz Inc. is the world’s least conventional publishing company. Its mission is to take on some of the boldest ideas of all and to ask the oldest and still most fundamental questions: Who are we? How did we get here? Where are we all going? The vision is to enliven the everyday dialogue with communities it shares. More information about Big Fizz is available at

Gurevich Fine Art is an art gallery who’s focus is the presentation of a wide range of the finest contemporary art from both established and emerging local, national and international artists. The range of visions and voices presented is vast in its varied styles, periods and comprehensiveness. More information on Gurevich Fine Art is available at


Alexandra Rohne
Big Fizz Inc.



Time One eBook tackles mankind's most baffling question.

Big Fizz.jpg

Winnipeg, Canada - March 26, 2013 – Big Fizz, a digital and print publisher, is pleased to announce its partnership with RosettaBooks, the leading independent eBook publisher for the distribution of Time One: Discover How the Universe Began.

After challenging old thinking about forty-seven crucial scientific problems, Time One author Colin Gillespie solves forty-five of them and comes up with a strikingly simple answer to the most perplexing question of them all: How did the world begin?

“It’s the ultimate mystery, and it takes a fictional detective to solve it,” said Gillespie, a physicist turned lawyer turned author. A distinguished scientist, he has written more than 30 articles in international peer-reviewed journals on radiation biology, biophysics, neurophysiology and physics.

“RosettaBooks has published many books which have made a profound difference,” said Arthur Klebanoff, CEO of RosettaBooks. “We are privileged to publish Time One.”

Time One takes an iconoclastic look at contemporary physics, notably relativity, quantum mechanics and string theory. It connects the dots across centuries of philosophy, literature and religion. Yet despite its formidable scope and breadth, it remains accessible and even lighthearted.

The protagonist — a beach bum — takes his cues not only from the likes of Aristotle, Newton and Einstein but also from Lewis Carroll, Raymond Chandler and Frank Herbert, among many others.  The most helpful if least likely source is the imaginary detective who becomes his sidekick. One of the book’s central (and most entertaining) premises is the detective’s use of science’s great stumbling blocks as clues to what happened before the Big Bang.

Time One is published in hardcover by Big Fizz Inc. and the eBook is distributed by RosettaBooks.

About Big Fizz Inc.
A publisher of printed books and digital media, Big Fizz promotes new thinking about deep —and sometimes very old—ideas. In seeking to enliven dialogue with communities it shares, Big Fizz uses new media, commissioned art, and a variety of live and virtual events to prime participation in the universal conversation. Please visit and follow the publisher on Facebook and Twitter.

About RosettaBooks
RosettaBooks is the leading independent eBook publisher, responsible for such timeless classics as Brave New World, Slaughterhouse-Five, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and the complete works of Winston Churchill. Publisher of ten Kindle Singles, including Ray Bradbury’s The Playground, RosettaBooks has launched nine of them to bestseller status. For more information, please visit and follow the e-publisher on Facebook.

Big Fizz Inc. Contact:
Alexandra Rohne
Big Fizz

RosettaBooks Contact:
Navjot Khalsa
Digital Marketing Manager
RosettaBooks, LLC

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Time One tackles mankind’s most baffling question: How did the world begin?


Winnipeg, Canada, March 12, 2013  After challenging old thinking about forty-seven crucial scientific problems, Time One author Colin Gillespie solves forty-five of them and comes up with a strikingly simple answer to the most perplexing question of them all: How did the world begin?

“It’s the ultimate mystery, and it takes a fictional detective to solve it,” said Gillespie, a physicist turned lawyer turned author. A distinguished scientist, he has written more than 30 articles in international peer-reviewed journals on radiation biology, biophysics, neurophysiology and physics.

Time One takes an iconoclastic look at contemporary physics, notably relativity, quantum mechanics and string theory. It connects the dots across centuries of philosophy, literature and religion. Yet despite its formidable scope and breadth, it remains accessible and even lighthearted.

The protagonist—a beach bum—takes his cues not only from the likes of Aristotle, Newton and Einstein but also from Lewis Carroll, Raymond Chandler, Frank Herbert—and even Mariah Carey—among many others. And the most helpful if least likely source is the imaginary detective who becomes his sidekick. One of the book’s central (and most entertaining) premises is the detective’s use of science’s great stumbling blocks as clues to what happened before the Big Bang.

Time One is published in hardcover by Big Fizz Inc.


About Big Fizz Inc.
A publisher of printed books and digital media, Big Fizz promotes new thinking about deep —and sometimes very old—ideas. In seeking to enliven dialogue with communities it shares, Big Fizz uses new media, commissioned art, and a variety of live and virtual events to prime participation in the universal conversation.

Please visit and follow the publisher on:
Twitter: @bigfizzinc

Big Fizz Inc. Contact:
Alexandra Rohne, Communications
Big Fizz


New eBook, “This Changes Everything”, talks science, philosophy, religion and more


Winnipeg, Manitoba, January 14, 2013 – How far has science taken us? How much further might it go? In his new eBook, This Changes Everything: New views on the physics, philosophy, and religious thinking that matter to us allauthor Colin Gillespie offers his fascinating take on the scientific revolution.

Now available from AmazonBarnes & NobleiTunesKobo, the eBook is published by Big Fizz Inc., and distributed through Rosetta Books.

This Changes Everything describes the context for Gillespie’s decades-long fascination with the most fundamental of questions: Who are we? How did we get here? Where are we going? In this engaging essay he revisits historical advances and frames them through the lens of imagination (what Einstein used to call a “thought experiment”) to come up with a new take on physics and cosmology - an elegant insight that changes everything.

CEO Howard Gurevich says, “Big Fizz is all about proliferating bold ideas and supporting conversations that concern us all. This Changes Everything kicks off a wider panorama of activities.”

About Big Fizz
An independent publisher of printed books and digital media, Big Fizz promotes new thinking about deep – and sometimes old – ideas. Seeking to enliven dialogue with the communities it shares, Big Fizz uses new media, commissioned art, and a variety of live and virtual events to prime the conversation.
For more, visit 

About Colin Gillespie
Colin Gillespie is a physicist turned lawyer turned author. He has a passion not only for science but for literature (with an especially warm spot for fictional detectives).  Over the course of an eclectic career, he has researched, lectured, and explored the world (50 countries and counting). A distinguished scientist, he has written more than 30 articles in international peer-reviewed journals on radiation biology, biophysics, neurophysiology, and physics. To learn more, visit
For more information, please contact:

Alexandra Rohne, Communications
Tel: 204-942-8007
Twitter: @BigFizzInc

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Photographing an idea is worth $1,000 and a public exhibition

Winnipeg, Canada, January 8, 2013 – A photograph could be worth $1,000 USD and an art exhibition in the “Let’s Talk Ideas” photo contest. Sponsored by the independent publishing company Big Fizz, the international contest encourages the expression of this theme in a photograph. One grand prizewinner will receive $1,000 and a featured place in the “Let’s Talk Ideas” show held at Gurevich Fine Art in Winnipeg, Canada. Ten secondary winners will receive $100 each and a place in the same show. Winners will be determined by popular vote.

“We are all about proliferating bold ideas and supporting the conversations they generate.” explains Big Fizz CEO Howard Gurevich, “The ideas articulated in our books can be conveyed in various art forms. This contest is our first challenge to anybody interested in ideas to express what they look like in a photograph.”

The “Let’s Talk Ideas” Photo Contest will run as follows: (all times in CST)

  1. Submission Period starts on Tuesday, January 9, 2013 at 9:00 AM and ends on Friday, February 15, 2013 at 11:59 PM.
  2. Voting Period starts on Saturday, February 16, 2013 at 10:00 AM and ends on Sunday, March 9, 2013 at 11:59 PM. All voting is public and will take place on Facebook.
  3. Notification of the eleven (11) entrants whose valid entries receive the highest number of votes in the Voting Period will take place Friday, March 22, 2013.
  4. Announcement of the Winners will take place on Monday, March 25, 2013.
  5. “Let’s Talk Ideas” Exhibition will run for 21 consecutive days between Monday, July 1, 2013 and Friday, February 28, 2014.

“This contest provides a unique challenge with great rewards.” states Winnipeg based photographer Garrick Kozier, “The cash prize is incentive enough, but to be featured in a top tier gallery is something many photographers strive for.”

Photographers of all skill levels, anywhere in the world, can enter the Big Fizz “Let’s Talk Ideas” photo contest by logging onto Big Fizz’s Facebook account and uploading their photo.

Big Fizz Inc. is an independent publishing company. Its mission is to take on some of the boldest ideas of all and to ask the oldest and still most fundamental questions: Who are we? How did we get here? Where are we all going? The vision is to enliven the everyday dialogue with communities it shares. More information about Big Fizz is at

Gurevich Fine Art is a contemporary art gallery that presents a broad view in regards to style with a strong emphasis on talent. The gallery is a focal point for artists and patrons at various levels to exchange visions. More information on Gurevich Fine Art is at


For further information, please contact:

Alexandra Rohne, Communications
Tel: 204-942-8007
Twitter: @alexrohne @bigfizzinc

Big Fizz Photo Contest

New Publishing Company Trades Convention For Fresh Perspective

Winnipeg, Canada, December 12, 2012 – Big Fizz, an independent publisher of printed books and digital media, is today “officially open for business,” says CEO and co-founder Howard Gurevich.

Describing Big Fizz as “the world’s newest, and least conventional publishing company,” Gurevich says that from Day One Big Fizz was not focusing solely on books but rather on the proliferation of ideas. “We want to connect with people through both traditional and non-traditional media, pretty much like any publishers today,” Gurevich explains. “But from the outset this was seen as the beginning of the process, not the end. We want to extend the reader’s experience beyond the books themselves.”

With this in mind, the company has developed a full schedule of initiatives, using social media channels and a variety of live and virtual events to spark ongoing dialogue with, and between, its readers, authors and other thought leaders.

Big Fizz will launch its first title in December and its second will be released in March, 2013. Both are authored by Big Fizz co-founder Colin Gillespie, a physicist turned lawyer turned writer. And both draw on Gillespie’s decades-long fascination with the most fundamental of questions: Who are we? How did we get here? Where are we going?

More information about Big Fizz Inc:

Our business is the proliferation of ideas. Printed books and digital media are the ways and means of Big Fizz – not exactly unconventional – but in addition we are commissioning artists of all kinds to re-imagine authors’ stories and to tell their own. We also invite content from readers, as an integral part of the narrative. Our vision is to enliven the everyday dialogue with communities we share. For more information visit:

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For further information, please contact:

Alexandra Rohne, Communications
Tel: 204-488-0662
Twitter: @alexrohne

New Publishing Company Trades Convention For Fresh Perspective

Winnipeg, Canada, December 12, 2012 – Big Fizz, an independent publisher of printed books and digital media, is today “officially open for business,” says CEO and co-founder Howard Gurevich.

Describing Big Fizz as “the world’s newest, and least conventional publishing company,” Gurevich says that from Day One Big Fizz was not focusing solely on books but rather on the proliferation of ideas. “We want to connect with people through both traditional and non-traditional media, pretty much like any publishers today,” Gurevich explains. “But from the outset this was seen as the beginning of the process, not the end. We want to extend the reader’s experience beyond the books themselves.”

With this in mind, the company has developed a full schedule of initiatives, using social media channels and a variety of live and virtual events to spark ongoing dialogue with, and between, its readers, authors and other thought leaders.

Big Fizz will launch its first title in December and its second will be released in March, 2013. Both are authored by Big Fizz co-founder Colin Gillespie, a physicist turned lawyer turned writer. And both draw on Gillespie’s decades-long fascination with the most fundamental of questions: Who are we? How did we get here? Where are we going?

More information about Big Fizz Inc:

Our business is the proliferation of ideas. Printed books and digital media are the ways and means of Big Fizz – not exactly unconventional – but in addition we are commissioning artists of all kinds to re-imagine authors’ stories and to tell their own. We also invite content from readers, as an integral part of the narrative. Our vision is to enliven the everyday dialogue with communities we share. For more information visit:

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For further information, please contact:

Alexandra Rohne, Communications
Tel: 204-488-0662
Twitter: @alexrohne